KASAP Committees, Groups & Networks


Join KASAP's Mission:

The Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs invites you to participate in our workgroups and committees, all with a goal of ending sexual violence in the Commonwealth. Community partners and staff at member programs (referred to in this chart as RCCs or Rape Crisis Centers) can help make meaningful change and connect with others doing the work across Kentucky.


In order to facilitate communication between our centers and other partners across the state, we have a number of committees and workgroups for you to join. Come share ideas, best practices, ask questions, get feedback, and be in community with each other as we work together to end sexual violence in the commonwealth.  Contact the KASAP staff member listed below with any questions about committee participation.

Our Committees & Workgroups

KASAP's Advocates' Network connects advocates from around the state to discuss best practices, to build a solid advocacy network, and to address other issues as needed. Contact KASAP Staff Attorney for more information, attorney@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

KASAP Staff Attorney

Optional monthly peer support group where anyone who provides clinical servies at an RCC can share concerns, tx modalities, training opportunities, etc. Meetings are every 1st Thursday at 10 AM Eastern/9 AM Central. Contact Emily Tamas for more information, etamas@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Emily Tamas, KASAP Program Coordinator

KASAP hosts the Conference for Ending Sexual Assault every other year. The next conference is tentatively scheduled for  May 2026. For more information on the conference or the planning committee, contact Emily Tamas etamas@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Emily Tamas, KASAP Program Coordinator

GDCITy is a group for prevention educators who implement Green Dot in Community. The purpose of the GDCITy is to provide continuing education, facilitate relationship building, and promote peer support among prevention educators. Meetings are the 4th Thursday of each month from 10-11 AM EST/9-10 AM CST. Contact KASAP Prevention Specialist Astraea Howard for more information on prevention efforts in Kentucky. ahoward@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Astraea Howard, KASAP Prevention Coordinator

The Monitoring Committee is required per KASAP bylaws, and exists to develop and recommend policy regarding program monitoring, review of monitoring activities and recommendation of action. They meet before each quarterly board meeting, and give a report on monitoring activities at each meeting. Contact Emily Tamas or Stephanie Humes at KASAP for more information. etamas@kasap.org or shumes@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Emily Tamas, KASAP Program Coordinator or Stephanie Humes, KASAP Federal Grants Specialist

PIC is a group for prevention educators who implement Green Dot in High Schools and/or It's My Space in Middle Schools. The purpose of the PIC is to provide continuing education, facilitate relationship building, and promote peer support among prevention educators. Meetings are the 1st Thursday of each month starting at 10AM EST/9AM CST. Contact KASAP Prevention Specialist Astraea Howard for more information on prevention efforts in Kentucky. ahoward@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Astraea Howard, KASAP Prevention Coordinator

A networking group for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs), SANE training program coordinators, and advocates working at RCCs. Quarterly optional meetings, typically on the 3rd Monday of each month at 1:00 PM EST/noon CST. Contact Collaboration Specialist Serenda LoBue for more information. collaboration@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Serenda LoBue, KASAP Collaboration Specialist

The communications network is a working group for anyone doing outreach, marketing, or social media for their center. Comms professionals can email the group at any time to start a discussion or ask a question. We come together on zoom for trainings, best practices discussions, and resource sharing. Meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis and open to anyone who regularly does communications or design work. Contact Robyn Pizzo, KASAP Communication Specialist, as communication@kasap.org to be added to the list.

KASAP Contact Person

Robyn Pizzo, KASAP Communication Specialist

The DANY/SAKI (Sexual Assault Kit Initiative) group helps advocates working at RCCs who collaborate on any DANY or SAKI kit outcome notifications and follow up services. This group meets as-needed to help advocates understand protocol, connect with others, and troubleshoot any issues. Contact Serenda or Jenna with any questions. attorney@kasap.orgcollaboration@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Jenna Cassady, KASAP Staff Attorney and Serenda LoBue, KASAP Collaboration Specialist

The Legislative Committee is required per KASAP bylaws, and exists to develop policy & position statements on legislative issues, as well as coordinate our legislative efforts. At least 3 KASAP board members serve on this committee, which mets quarterly before each board meeting. Contact KASAP staff attorney Jenna Cassady with any legislative-related questions, attorney@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Jenna Cassady, KASAP Staff Attorney

A networking group for RCC advocates and community partners working with currently incarcerated or newly released survivors of sexual violence. Meetings are optional and take place quarterly at 2PM EST / 1PM CST. Contact Collaboration Specialist Serenda LoBue for more information. collaboration@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Serenda LoBue, KASAP Collaboration Specialist

This committee is made up of program staff and state partners. It meets as needed to plan the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month kickoff event that takes place each April, and develops the schedule for statewide SAAPM events. Contact Emily Tamas for more information, etamas@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Emily Tamas, KASAP Program Coordinator

The Sexual Assault Response Team Advisory Committee is a statewide committee with some agencies required to attend and participate (KASAP, KSP, CAC KY, KSP Lab) and others encouraged to join (Statewide agencies and RCC staff working with SA response). Created by statute, KRS 403.707, the SART AC meets quarterly, typically on the 3rd Monday of each month from 9-11 EST/8-10 CST. Contact Collaboration Specialist Serenda LoBue for more information. collaboration@kasap.org

KASAP Contact Person

Serenda LoBue, KASAP Collaboration Specialist