Legislative Advocacy


Driving Policy Change

The Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP) is the statewide coalition for the 13 regional sexual assault support programs. We speak with a unified voice against sexual victimization, including in our legislative advocacy work.


Each year, the Kentucky legislature is tasked with addressing a multitude of issues facing Kentuckians, including issues connected to the prevention of and response to sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. KASAP is committed to advocating at the state legislature for changes that serve to prevent sexual harm and support survivors.


For questions about our public policy and legislative advocacy work, please contact KASAP's Staff Attorney, Jenna Cassady at attorney@kasap.org, (502) 226-2704.

5 principles to address sexual assault, abuse, and harassment through state-level policy


Promote policies that create safe and healthy environments, reducing the likelihood of perpetration and victimization.


Meet basic human needs so individuals can thrive and heal from sexual harm.


Pass laws aligning with research about best practices to address sexual harm.


Recognize that survivors have different needs and wants in their healing journey and support legislation that allows for various forms of healing.


Address sexual harm comprehensively, including beyond criminal law

2024 Priorities

Safe and healthy families are the foundation for a thriving Kentucky. It's our duty to lift up our neighbors when in need.

Too many Kentuckians are at risk of being sexually assaulted or have been sexually assaulted.

We can help by enacting policies that strengthen economic security.* Stronger economic supports for women and families can reduce sexual violence and mitigate negative impacts of sexual assault.

*Basile, K.C., DeGue, S., Jones, K., Freire, K., Dills, J., Smith, S.G., Raiford, J.L. (2016). STOP SV: A Technical Package to Prevent Sexual Violence. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Enact paid family leave.
This policy provides income replacement for life events such as birth of a child which eases economic insecurity that results from interruptions to employment. Financial, employment, and housing instability increases the risk of women and children to experience sexual violence.
Expand temporary unemployment insurance benefits.
Allowing access to temporary unemployment insurance benefits when unable to work after a sexual assault will benefit families and the workforce. This policy helps a victim get back to work safely so they can provide for their family without interruption to basic needs. Over 40 states and territories offer UI for domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking.
Improve the Sexual Assault Exam Program and Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund.
These programs were developed to indemnify injured crime victims by providing aid, care, and support by the state, as a matter of grace. Over the years, areas for improvement have been identified such as expansion of covered needs, easier app. process, and reasonable hospital reimbursement rates.

Legislative Advocacy Series

Hosted by former KASAP Staff Attorney Laela Kashan, this three-part series goes in depth into KASAP's public policy priorities and all our voices, especially voices of survivors, are important in communicating with our lawmakers.

  • Find and contact your legislators
  • Attend/watch committee hearings
  • Find/track legislative information
  • Legislative time periods
  • Advocacy "Dos and Don'ts"

  • Review of KASAP's Public Policy Agenda
  • Review National Survivors' Agenda
  • Finding other agendas and supportive coalitions

  • State legislators share their tips for engaging in the legislative process