Legislative Advocacy


Driving Policy Change

The Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP) is the statewide coalition for the 13 regional sexual assault support programs. We speak with a unified voice against sexual victimization, including in our legislative advocacy work.


Each year, the Kentucky legislature is tasked with addressing a multitude of issues facing Kentuckians, including issues connected to the prevention of and response to sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. KASAP is committed to advocating at the state legislature for changes that serve to prevent sexual harm and support survivors.


For questions about our public policy and legislative advocacy work, please contact KASAP's Staff Attorney, Jenna Cassady at attorney@kasap.org, (502) 226-2704.

5 principles to address sexual assault, abuse, and harassment through state-level policy


Promote policies that create safe and healthy environments, reducing the likelihood of perpetration and victimization.


Meet basic human needs so individuals can thrive and heal from sexual harm.


Pass laws aligning with research about best practices to address sexual harm.


Recognize that survivors have different needs and wants in their healing journey and support legislation that allows for various forms of healing.


Address sexual harm comprehensively, including beyond criminal law

2025 Priorities

Ensuring Access to Sexual Assault Forensic Exams

Survivors of sexual assault should have immediate access to Sexual Assault Forensic Exams (SAFEs) when seeking care.
While Kentucky law mandates that emergency departments provide SAFEs to any survivor requesting one, this service is not always accessible.


Thank you Representative Raymer for sponsoring the following:

HB 219: Improving Emergency Response for Survivors
HB 219 will require training for all hospital emergency department staff on sexual assault response, including legal requirements, protocols, and available resources. Kentucky law already outlines critical procedures for forensic evidence collection and medical care for survivors. This bill ensures that emergency department staff are properly trained to follow best practices and provide the compassionate, trauma-informed care survivors deserve.
HCR 20: Studying Barriers to SAFE/SANE Access
HCR 20 calls for a legislative study to examine access to sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) in emergency care settings. This study will also review barriers to SANE coverage in hospitals, access to sexual assault forensic exams (SAFE), and other important datapoints that will help identify gaps in services and recommend policy-driven solutions to improve the availability of SAFEs for survivors.

Legislative Advocacy Series

Hosted by former KASAP Staff Attorney Laela Kashan, this three-part series goes in depth into KASAP's public policy priorities and all our voices, especially voices of survivors, are important in communicating with our lawmakers.

  • Find and contact your legislators
  • Attend/watch committee hearings
  • Find/track legislative information
  • Legislative time periods
  • Advocacy "Dos and Don'ts"

  • Review of KASAP's Public Policy Agenda
  • Review National Survivors' Agenda
  • Finding other agendas and supportive coalitions

  • State legislators share their tips for engaging in the legislative process