Green Dot
Green Dot is an evidence-based primary prevention program designed to teach participants safe ways to intervene in situations of dating/domestic violence, sexual harassment and assault, and child abuse.
The program includes two components: the Overview Speech and the Bystander Training.
The Overview Speech is a 45-minute high-level training delivered to any member of the community.
The Bystander Training is a 5-hour intensive training with identified Popular Opinion Leaders (POLs), i.e. people who are respected and admired by other community members. To reach optimal effectiveness, 15% of a population must complete the Bystander Training.
Learning Objectives
After attending a Green Dot training, participants will be able to:
Recognize red dots
Understand importance of intervening
Know any barriers they may have to intervening
Identify creative ways to intervene, even with their barriers
Set new community norms: violence is not okay and everyone is expected to do their part
We know Green Dot works because of the extensive evaluation of the program – most of which has happened in Kentucky high schools and colleges.
Reduction in perpetration of sexual assault
Reduction in perpetration of dating violence
Data from a 5-year RCT evaluation research study of Green Dot in Kentucky high schools showed a:” AND “Coker, A. L.; Bush, H. M.; Cook-Craig, P. G.; DeGue, S, A.; Clear, E. R.; Brancato, C. J.; Fisher, B. S.; and Recktenwald, E. A. (2017). RCT Testing Bystander Effectiveness to Reduce Violence. American Journal of Preventative Medicine 52(5): 566–578.
Kentucky Green Dot Community Designations
KASAP has four designations for Green Dot Communities in our state. These designations help us ensure that Green Dot Community is effective and consistent everywhere it is implemented:
To receive the designation of "Green Dot Community" from KASAP and the GDCITy, you must:
- Bystander train 15% of people in at least 3 subgroups that reflect the community population and maintain implementation.

To consider your community "Working Towards Green Dot Community", you must:
- Maintain an active community implementation team.
- Complete a community action plan.
- Evaluate progress annually.

For an individual subgroup to receive the designation "Green Dot Group", you must:
- Bystander train 15% of people in that subgroup.

For an individual business, church, or organization to receive the designation "Green Dot Spot", you must:
- Bystander train 15% of people in that business, church, or organization.

What’s Your Green Dot?
Green Dots are simple actions you can take in your everyday life. Some examples are:
Directly intervening when you see a red dot situation by telling the person/people causing harm to stop or by checking in on the person experiencing the harm.
Getting someone else involved in addressing a red dot situation, like a friend, store manager, or coworker.
Distracting from a red dot situation by asking someone for directions or asking if they dropped a dollar.
Having a conversation with your family and friends about why you think Green Dot is important. Posting about Green Dot on your social media.
Including a Green Dot quote in your email signature.