Access Healing Project
We are KASAP, the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs. We’re the statewide coalition for Kentucky’s 13 regional rape crisis centers (RCCs).
We’re committed to serving all survivors, making sure that they have access to the healing services they need, and working toward the prevention of sexual violence.
Introducing: The Access Healing Project Advisory Council
As service providers, we are committed to meeting people where they are and working to ensure that our services are inclusive and responsive to the real needs of survivors.
Sexual violence impacts different groups in different ways. Survivors come to our programs with diverse backgrounds and multi-layered identities that affect their access to medical and sexual assault services, experience with the justice system, needs, and feelings of safety.
With new grant funding, we have formed the Access Healing Project, which includes an Advisory Council made up of diverse Kentuckians who have been affected by sexual violence. The Access Healing Project addresses the barriers to access that some groups may face, particularly Kentuckians who use substances, BIPOC Kentuckians, or people who are LGBTQ+.
Members of the Council share their ideas and experiences to guide KASAP, its Board of Directors, and member centers to become more welcoming to and representative of all people in Kentucky.
Access Healing Project Timeline
April 2022
KASAP is awarded a $750,000 grant from Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services to expand access to healing services for sexual assault survivors.
July 2022
The Access Healing Council is formed. We meet monthly to discuss the impacts of sexual violence.
Aug-Dec 2022
Council members meet with their local rape crisis centers and present at the Annual Conference for Ending Sexual Violence.
Jan-May 2023
The Council consults on a statewide marketing plan to increase awareness of our services, and an education/training plan to ensure our services are culturally specific.
June 2023
New council members are added for 2023-2024
The Access Healing Project concludes

Now accepting applications for the next cohort of the
Access Healing Council
Members of the Access Healing Project Advisory Council:
- Are part of the LGBTQIA, BIPOC, and/or Substance Use communities (regardless of sobriety status) and are interested in helping us further our reach in those communities
- Have been affected by sexual violence, either themselves or as a family member or friend close to a survivor
- Are 18 years of age or older
- Will serve for a one-year period starting August 2023
Council responsibilities include:
- An average of 4-8 working hours per month including:
- Attending monthly Council meetings on Zoom
- Preparing to discuss ideas and provide feedback
- Attending Rape Crisis Center (RCC) events in their local area
- Occasionally attending quarterly KASAP board meetings - Supporting RCCs in their mission by providing constructive feedback, building connections with community members, fostering partnerships with local organizations, etc.
- Staying informed about issues related to sexual violence
Questions about the Access Healing Project?
Contact KASAP’s Access Healing Coordinator, Amy Turner
The Access Healing Podcast
A podcast for survivors of sexual violence, their friends, families, and professionals who work with them. We focus on the intersection of the BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and Substance Use communities, and their barriers to receiving services.