From our colleauges at Hollaback!:
There is something very powerful happening right now on social media. After revelations of Harvey Weinstein’s history of sexual assault and harassment, survivors are sharing their personal experiences with the hashtag #MeToo.
This spontaneous movement is trending across the United States and around the world. In a span of 24 hours, #MeToo has been tweeted nearly half a million times. It is absolutely undeniable that sexual assault and harassment are an epidemic, not isolated incidents. Survivors have said loud and clear: this is about more than Harvey Weinstein – this is about us, our stories, and our experiences, and we cannot keep ignoring sexual assault and harassment.
Here at Hollaback! we know that storytelling has the power to reclaim conversations and fight harassment. We know this is the first time that many of you are sharing your stories, and we admire your bravery. Thank you for sharing – you are not alone. To all the survivors who have chosen to carry their #MeToo silently, we support your decision, we believe you, and we have your back.
We also understand that many of you might be feeling overwhelmed or triggered with the news cycle and by your social media feeds, so we’ve outlined some key resources for survivors and allies. Many thanks to Faith Matters Network for sharing their list with us.

- You can share your story of harassment or bystander intervention on our website or through our app.
- Get tips for responding to harassers and find more resources from Hollaback!. NYC-specific resources are listed here.
- Share your experiences with online harassment on HeartMob and receive support or take action to assist victims of online harassment by offering your support.
- Learn how to intervene safely and effectively when you witness incidents of hate and sexual harassment with Hollaback!’s bystander intervention trainings.
- Learn more about how identities and oppressions affect the experience of harassment by reading our guide “#HarassmentIs: An exploration of identity and street harassment”.
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. Here is their national Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673). You can also chat them online HERE.
- The Crisis Hotline offers free 24/7 support for people in crisis. Just text 741-741 and a trained counselor will respond immediately.
- In New York City, The Anti-Violence Project offers a free bilingual (English/Spanish) crisis intervention hotline staffed 24/7 by trained counselors for those who have experienced anti-LGBTQ violence; call 212-714-1141 or report online.
- National Queer and Transgender Therapists of Color Network
- Therapy for Black Girls
- African American Therapists
- Good Therapy – Therapist Directory
- RAINN- Recovering from Sexual Violence
- Everyday Feminism – Building Supportive Communities: How We Can Make Every Space Safe for Survivors
- Forge Forward- Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self Help Guide to Healing and Understanding
Hollaback! stands with you. We hear you, we’re here for you, and we’re ready to have your back.
In solidarity,
The Hollaback! team